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Our Mission...

To develop a successful basketball culture with skills training, player development, and healthy competition, so that basketball can reach its highest capacity, all the while teaching our protégés to be “Students Of the Game”.   



We here at Hammondaire Hoop Group specialize in individual One on One training. All of our highly motivated coaches will give you position specific workouts that will be sure to take your basketball game to the next level. 


In our small group training sessions, we focus on a lot of the basic fundamentals that it takes to be an elite player at any level. No, this is not your barn yard and peach basket type of basketball, we will break down certain situations that will make you a master of "Situational Basketball".



Our Group Trainings are very detailed, uptempo, and highly energetic sessions that pin point and emphasize the enrichment of all participants with the basic fundamentals of "strategic basketball". We focus highly on Offensive and Defensive situations. 



Large groups are groups of ten or more players who are at a similar skill level and are looking to improve to their next level. Large groups benefit from our focus on individual player development as they learn how to improve their skills. The larger groups allow us to run through a series of stations and drills all over the court so that every player is busy improving. 


Our well-rounded yoga routine includes dynamic flexibility, core stabilization, muscular endurance, proper breathing and balance work. By focusing on these vital elements, yoga can be great to assist with recovery from a series of strenuous workouts. Some of the most popular yoga movements directly improve the range of motion at your joints which helps you stay on the court longer and move more fluently. We all know yoga is not as easy as it may seem, however, it is great for those who need a new or different challenge in their training programs.

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